Share data in Blazor app

Published on: Monday, 30.12.2024

There are different ways to pass data in a Blazor app.

  1. Send from parent to child. We do this by using Component Parameters. These are defined as a C# public property/properties and decorated with the Parameter attribute.
<h2>Hello: @FirstName</h2>
@code {
    public string FirstName { get; set; }

In the parent:

<ChildComponent FirstName="Jane" />
  1. Send from parent to all (selected) ancestors. This is done with the use of cascading parameters. The data is shared inside the built-in CascadingValue element in the parent, and all the ancestors rendered within this tag can access it.
<CascadingValue Name="FirstName" Value="James">
    <!-- Any descendant component rendered here will be able to access the cascading value. -->

In descendant:

<h2>Hello: @FirstName</h2>

@code {
private string FirstName { get; set; }
  1. Use the AppState pattern where you have a class with the properties you want to store and you register it as a service and then inject it where needed.
public class ExampleState
public int ExampleState { get; set; }

//Add it as a scoped service to your project:


//Inject where needed:

@inject ExampleState State